Wednesday, May 13, 2009

nephews and scrap quilts

i have a new nephew lucas. i have never actually seen him awake but i can tell he is pretty fun. i havent made him a quilt but i bet he will eventually get one. if he plays his cards right. also i think he weighed 7'11'' and i immediately got a slurpee to celebrate.

here is my outdoors quilt that i dont want to use outdoors anymore because i like it too much. but, for people interested in outdoor quilts, i got a good suggestion once that you can make little pockets in the corners which you can put rocks in to keep it down in the wind. i didnt do that because its hard.

and on a personal note i could be done with allergy season.

1 comment:

alexandra said...

It is cute and I think you are really funny. Who knew someone could write a witty little blog about quilting? I also like that quilt you made for Baby E. I think you might like my baby Will, too, as he likes to smile and hug a lot, too. Though he does tell me to "go way!" a bit too much and that some books I try to read him are "boring!"